Our Links

Local Community

St Michael & All Angels, Mount Dinham is the other church in our parish.

Next door to St Michael’s is St David’s Church of England Primary School. We are very privileged to have close links with the school.

St D's school banner

Our clergy team runs a school assembly, held weekly in St Michael’s Church. Other services during the year, such as  Easter, Christmas and the Leavers’ service, take place in St David’s Church for the whole family to attend. For more details please see the School’s website.

YMCA Exeter

Exeter Community Centre

St David’s Neighbourhood Partnership archived website

General Mercer grave restoration

Church of England

The main Church of England website includes…

Our Faith which has lots of information about what we believe as Christians

Diocese of Exeter website


Please note: St David’s is not responsible for the content of external sites.

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