Woman’s Group
The St David’s Womens’ Group meets four times a year . Our evenings are purely social events making sure there are plenty of opportunities for women to get to know each other a little more and to build relationships. Many women take the opportunity to invite ‘non-church’ friends or neighbours along, and a warm welcome awaits them to join in the fun. Every Advent we have our own spiritual evening led by two of our members in words and music. These evenings are particularly appreciated before the full on rush and hullabaloo of Christmas starts. Our evenings are well publicised in the weekly service sheets.
Your next event can be found on the calendar under the What’s On tab.
Men’s Breakfast
On a regular basis men from St David’s and our sister church St Michael’s gather on a Saturday morning for breakfast at a local pub. We are grateful to The Farmers Union for their hospitality on recent occasions. As a change from routine, we are meeting at Exeter Brewery for a tour, a pint and a pasty in September. When we sit around the breakfast table we have the opportunity to make new friendships, renew existing friendships and chat about all manner of things. It’s good to see men from both churches as we don’t often meet at worship. We are a diverse group with a wide range of age, experience and points of view. Our shared faith helps us to listen sympathetically to those with whom we don’t always agree. For bacon, eggs, tea and toast, praise Father Son and Holy Ghost. Amen
Your next event can be found on the calendar under the What’s On tab.
Look out for a range of activities arranged by a small group of us. Activities have included, kayaking, walking, standup paddle boarding, Beach BBQ, treasure hunts. All are welcome.
Anyone is welcome to join us for one of our activities, dates and more information can be found on the calendar under the What’s On tab.