Electoral Roll Privacy Notice
The use and processing of the information provided for your inclusion on the Electoral Roll is described here.
Safeguarding Policy
Our Safeguarding Rep is Alice Francis who can be contacted at .
The Diocese of Exeter has produced a Safeguarding Policy which all churches uphold. There is a Safeguarding Team at the Diocese which means there is a system in place to ensure safeguarding issues are dealt with efficiently and correctly. As Safeguarding Officer for St David’s and St Michael’s Churches, I am available to record any safeguarding issue presented to me and report it to the Diocese’s Safeguarding Officer. They will offer advice on how to deal with it or refer it on to an appropriate agency. I also ensure that leaders of church groups have current DBS checks in place. The Safeguarding Policy is available for anyone to refer to. Information will be available about the various church groups before long. I hope my presence will keep parishioners aware of vulnerable adults and children amongst us.
Safeguarding Policy –
Communications Policy
St David’s Church is situated in the city of Exeter where it serves a diverse range of individuals and families from across the socio-economic spectrum, and at all levels of education and employment. St David’s access to such a wide range of people makes our efforts to promote and communicate the Gospel, within and beyond our parish boundaries, a viable and worthwhile endeavour.
Until the internet age, such communication depended on faith sharing and witness, preaching, sacramental celebrations and education programmes, and on print media such as the parish magazine. Now, parishioners and other members of the community enjoy access to information from St David’s through a wide and growing range of electronic and print media including newspapers, magazines, books, weekly bulletins, video, telecommunications, direct mail, radio, television, film, e-mail, the internet, and social networking sites. To spread the Gospel effectively, and to advertise our activities, we need to welcome the use of this range of media. However, widely accessible communication of this kind is not without its challenges.
We need to be proactive: to create well-planned, appropriate and thoughtful links between the message, its intended audience and the means of communication, so that the message is most likely to resonate with its intended audience.
We also need to be protective: to reduce the problems that arise when ease of computer access leads to unauthorized and inconsistent posting of information, or inconsistency between information on one medium and similar material on another. The rapidly changing nature of communications technology adds to these challenges.
St David’s Communication Policy (pdf) Revised and agreed by PCC 30 November 2022
Photography Opt-out Form
St David’s Church offers many programs and activities. Photographs may be taken during these
events and may be posted to the church website or social media accounts. If you do not wish to
have your picture posted to the church website or social media accounts, please fill out this form
and return it to the vestry.
Photography Opt-out Form (pdf)
It is St David’s and St Michael’s policy only to post photos of children, or to identify
them by name, in situations where a parent/guardian has completed the Media
Release Permission Form. Children’s name and identifying clothing should not, in
any case, be shown on published photos except with explicit permission. Similarly, it
is our policy not to post photos of individuals, or identify them by name, if they have
completed a Media Release Opt-Out Form
Recruitment of Ex-Offenders
Approved Alcohol Policy
Lone Working Policy