Help for homeless people

Thursday Evening Food Packages for Some of the Homeless in Exeter

Each Thursday afternoon, 4-5 people meet at St David’s Church by the kitchen to prepare, pack and deliver a meal for 30 homeless people who will be spending the night in the Great Western by St David’s station.

Shopping for the ingredients is shared between the volunteers. A sandwich or roll is filled with cheese, ham and tomato (vegetarian needs are catered for) and goes into a food bag with a pasty or sausage roll. To complete the meal, a yogurt, piece of fruit, cake (often home made), chocolate bar, sweets and crisps are added to the bag.

The food is then delivered by the volunteers at 6 p.m. where the security officers distribute it.

This service ensures that some of the homeless people in Exeter, who are encouraged to go into accommodation overnight, know that they will have a meal provided for them.


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