There is something special about a wedding in church. The words of the service and the beauty of the church building give added depth and meaning to the promises that you are making to each other.
“Marriage is a gift of God…it is given that as man and woman grow together in love and trust, they shall be united with one another in heart, body and mind.”
“To love and to cherish, till death us do part.”
“All that I am I give to you and all that I have I share with you.”
At the climax of the ceremony, these words are used:
“In the presence of God, and before this congregation, N and N have given their consent and made their marriage vows to each other. They have declared their marriage by the joining of hands and by the giving and receiving of rings. I therefore proclaim that they are husband and wife.”
Prayers are said for you and your new spouse.
“May their marriage be life-giving and life-long, enriched by your presence….May they bring comfort and confidence to each other…..May they nurture their family with devotion, see their children grow in body mind and spirit…..May the hospitality of their home bring refreshment and joy to all around them; may their love overflow to neighbours in need.”
What do we offer at St David’s?
A reasonable scale of fees compared with most secular venues, hotels or stately homes.
The depth of meaning that a church marriage service can bring.
A beautiful, light and spacious building.
A very able and enthusiastic choir to lead the singing, in a church with a wonderfully resonant acoustic.
A personal connection with a friendly and attentive clergy person who will guide your preparations, lead you through the service and look after you from the moment you first meet.
Our team of flower arrangers, bell ringers and musicians.
You could also consider our sister church St Michael and All Angels, Mount Dinham, a different but equally splendid setting.
How do you qualify to be married at St David’s?
St David’s is a big parish, taking in a lot of Queen St, stretching out to Cowley Bridge, covering Exeter University and all the way up Pennsylvania Road. If either of you or your parents live in the parish you can be married here.
If you have any connection with the church, if you used to come to church here as a child, if you went to St David’s School, St Wilfrid’s School, Exeter College or Exeter University, if you work in the parish, or if you used to live in the parish, you can be married here.
If you make a connection with St David’s, come here regularly for a minimum of six months, and join the church’s electoral roll then you can be married here.
We welcome those who have been married before, and are now divorced. If you are sincerely intending to learn from past mistakes, so that your new marriage can be a permanent, loving and secure union, we would be glad to hear from you.
Please email us at to discuss your wedding or the reading of your banns.

The Church of England has a wonderful website of resources for your Church Wedding. On this site you will find lots of information to help you make those important wedding day decisions, such as Hymns, Readings and Prayers.